We were just informed of the sad fact that Joan Westenholz passed away yesteday. She had been a visiting research …
Wolfgang Ommerborn's new book on the Confucian concept of jiao employed by scholars of the Qing Dynasty has just …
The KHK is proud to welcome Tulasi Srinivas from Boston (Massachusetts, USA). Tulasi Srinivas is an anthropologist of religion, who currently works as …
KHK Visiting Research Fellow Vasilios Makrides has edited a collection of articles under the title 'Orthodox Christianity and Modernity: …
Die Dissertation von Marc Steinmann über die Collatio Alexandri et Dindimi ist Ende letzten Jahres bei Frank & Timme erschienen. …
The upcoming workshop "Eurasian Visions and Entanglements: Geopolitics and Religions, Past and Present" is organized by Otto Kallscheuer and Vasilios …
[PDF] Report: 'Religious Pluralism In Europe and Asia: Conditions, Modes, and Consequences. Part I: From Antiquity to the Times of …
The KHK is proud to welcome Susanne Lanwerd (Berlin, Germany). Susanne Lanwerd held serveral visiting professorships for religious -, gender …
This book edited by Peter Wick and Markus Zehnder compiles German and English papers given at a KHK conference in …
Alexander-Kenneth Nagel (Hg.): Diesseits der Parallelgesellschaft. Neuere Studien zu religiösen Migrantengemeinden in Deutschland Über Religion und Migration wird viel diskutiert. …