
CERES-Stand auf IAHR-Kongress

Das Centrum für Religionswissenschaftliche Studien (CERES) wird mit einem Stand auf dem XXI Weltkongress der International Association for the History …


IAHR-Kongress ||| Vortrag

Exploring the Methodical in 'the Comparative Method' Oliver Freiberger (KHK-Fellow) Comparison, in the narrower sense, has been a common and …


IAHR Kongress ||| Panel

Embedding Religions: Converting Figures and Conversion Stories Panelleitung: Carmen Meinert (CERES) The panel presents the ongoing work of the interdisciplinary …


IAHR Kongress ||| Workshop

THATcamp (1) Organisator: Frederik Elwert (KHK-Postdoktorand & CERES) The THATcamp at the IAHR Congress will allow participants to discuss and …


IAHR-Kongress ||| Vortrag

The Economic Study of Ritual-Oriented Religions: The Neglect of Priesthood Kianoosh Rezania (KHK-Fellow) The focus on belief-oriented religions, specifically Christianity, …


IAHR-Kongress ||| Vortrag

Secular voices on air? Western debates on religion, secularism and Public Service Broadcasting Tim Karis (KHK Post-Doktorand) Regulatory frameworks of …


IAHR Kongress ||| Response

Response von Oliver Freiberger (KHK fellow) zum Panel Faking Asceticism: East and West Panelleitung: Almut Barbara Renger, Tudor Sala The …


IAHR Kongress ||| Vortrag

Does tolerance increase through migration? A Case study on Pakistani Muslim migrants in Germany Sajida Fazal (CERES, Doktorantin) This paper …


IAHR Kongress ||| Panel

Religions and Media: Performances (1) Panelleitung: Licia di Giacinto (KHK-Postdoktorandin) Dieses Panel umfasst drei Vorträge: Im ersten Vortrag geht der …


IAHR Kongress ||| Vortrag

Gnosis, Hairesis, and Mani: Fourth-century Religious Vocabulary and Its Modern Adjustments Eduard Iricinschi (KHK-Fellow) “Gnosticism,” Heresiology,” and “Manichaeism” are modern …


IAHR Kongress ||| Vortrag

From Content and Structure to Structure of Content: Text Network Analysis in the Study of Religions Frederik Elwert (KHK postdoc …


IAHR Kongress ||| Vortrag

Change we need. Dynamics in the History of Religions between semantics and Social forms Volkhard Krech (CERES, KHK) Social change …


IAHR Kongress ||| Panel

Researching Religions & Politics – Young German Perspectives Panelleitung: Ulf Plessentin Political conditions often had and still have a profound …


IAHR Kongress ||| Workshop

THATcamp (2) Organisation: Frederik Elwert (KHK-Postdoktorand & CERES) The THATcamp at the IAHR Congress will allow participants to discuss and …