
Research Field 4


Research Field 2


Workshop | Convivencia and Religious Language: Dialogue of Religions on the Iberian Peninsula

FNO 02/ 40-46

Flyer The Iberian Peninsula of the Middle Ages is quite often described as an ideal place of religious encounters. Terms …


Workshop | Religion Outside Text

FNO 02/ 40-46

Flyer Recently researchers in religious studies have been increasingly critical of earlier generations of scholars’ tendency to study only those …


Research Field 1

Mit Vorträgen von  1.) Jan Schäfer (Bochum): "Libations as a Part of Meals in the Greco-Roman World and the so …


Workshop | Christianity Translated: Knowledge Circulation and Epistemic Transformation through Missionary Enterprise (16th-19th Century)

FNO 02/ 40-46

Flyer Starting from the hypothesis that the religious and cultural encounters facilitated by Christian missions had a profound impact on …


Vortrag | Paul Fenton: "Relations between Muslims and Jews in Morocco: a 17th century fatwa by the Qadi of Marrakesh"

Poster Vortrag im Rahmen des Forschungskolloquiums des Seminars für Orientalistik und Islamwissenschaft.


Plenary Session: Research Field 3

Flyer Mit Gastvortrag von Prof. Dr. Jeremy Carrette (Canterbury): "The Mystic Hypothesis, Gender and Truth: Rethinking William James and Mysticism" Video


Focus Group Inclusion and Demarcation

FNO 02/ 40-46


Gastvortrag | Dulce Maria Viana Mindlin (Ouro Preto): "José de Anchieta, a perfect Jesuit"

FNO 02/ 40-46

Flyer José de Anchieta, a perfect Jesuit His biographers used to say that he was as contemplative as Mary and …


Focus Group Transfer and Resistance

FNO 02/ 40-46

Diagrams play an important role in processes of religious interchange. Their uses range from the demarcatory construction of traditions to …


Research Field 3

Vortrag von Dr. Judith Becker (Mainz): "The Varieties of Conversion Narratives. Basel Missionaries and India, 1834–1860"


Workshop | Epiphanien

FNO 02/ 40-46

Faltblatt Die „Erscheinung“ der Gottheit, ihre visuelle und auditive Manifestation in der menschlichen Sphäre, gehört in vielen Kulturräumen zum Kernbereich …