A Fresh Start for a New Research Project on Religious Evolution
Earlier today, the new research project THERE - Theory and Empiricism of Religious Evolution was launched at the Center for Religious Studies (CERES). The project is led by sociologist and historian of religion, Professor Volkhard Krech. It is funded by the Reinhart Koselleck funding line of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) for the next five years.
The project aims to develope a theory of religious evolution that is deeply rooted in religious studies, or German "Religionswissenschaft". For this theory of religious evolution Volkhard Krech intends to combine approaches from the sciences, social sciences, and humanities alike. He builds up on his own research and the findings of the Käte Hamburger Kolleg ‘Dynamics in the History of Religions between Asia and Europe’, which he has been directed for the last nine years. In doing so, he will focus the internal development of religion without segregating it from the contexts of societal, physical, organic and mental evolution.
Request for Online-Exchange during the Research
Since developing scientific theories would not been possible without the academic exchange with colleagues working on that topic, the project's website invokes different features to interact. Experts in this field are requested to discuss and comment Volkhard Krech's theoretical contributions online at the website there.ceres.rub.de/en/ before being published in order to stimulate an academic discussion. Furthermore, this feature enables the author to respond or even involve possible objections and arguments in the working process. Additionally literature suggestions and comments are welcome.
Besides that several international workshops are planned on a regular base to enable the fruitful exchange with researchers from different disciplines. Finally the results shall be published in a three volume publication both in German and English.
More Information
Website of the THERE project: there.ceres.rub.de/en/
Direct link to the research program: book.there.ceres.rub.de/works/there/