PD Dr. Levent Tezcan
KHK Visiting Research Fellow 2014Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
KHK Visiting Research Fellow 2014
Levent Tezcan studied Political Sciences (MA in Ankara, 1985) as well as Social Sciences (MA in Bremen, 1993, Ph.D. at Bielefeld University, 2001). After his Ph.D., he worked on several empirical research projects on migration and religion (including the Christian-Muslim interfaith dialogue). Additionally, he held fellowships at the Center of Excellence Cultural Foundations of Social Integration based at the University of Konstanz and the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities in Essen. Since 2008, he is an Assistant Professor within the Department of Culture Studies in the School of Humanities at the University of Tilburg (The Netherlands).
Levent Tezcan’s field of expertise is in general all intercultural relations with a focus on conflicts through religious identity and practices. Moreover, dialogues, either interfaith between Christians and Muslims or governmental with Muslim migrants in European countries are part of his expertise. Next to this, he is interested in the political, religious and social developments in Turkey. His most important publications reflect these various research interests, like in: “Religiöse Strategien der “machbaren“ Gesellschaft. Verwaltete Religion und islamistische Utopie in der Türkei.” (“Religious Strategies of Making the Society. Turkish Islam between Administrated Religion and Islamist Utopia”, Transcript 2003) as well as “Islam and the New Europe – Continuities, Changes, Confrontations” (edited together with Sigrid Nökel, Transcript 2005) and “Konfliktfeld Islam in Europa” (“Conflict Field Islam in Europa”, edited with Monika Wohlrab-Sahr, Nomos 2007). Recently (in 2012), he published his book “Das muslimische Subjekt – verfangen im Dialog der Deutschen Islamkonferenz” (The Muslim Subject – entangled in the Dialogue of the German Conference on Islam).
As a KHK Visiting Research Fellow, he worked on the institutionalization of Islam in Germany.
- Ph.D., Sociology, University of Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany, 2001
- M.A., Social Sciences, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany 1993
- M.A. Political Sciences, University of Ankara, Ankara, Turkey 1985
KHK Fellowship
- Duration: May 2014 to April 2015
- Project: Institutionalization of Islam in Germany
Soziologie des Islam, Migrationsstudien, Islam in Europa, Politik und Religion in der Türkei