Foto von Dr. Henrik Hjort Sørensen

Dr. Henrik Hjort Sørensen

Wissenschaftlicher Koordinator BuddhistRoad

Research Coordinator Buddhist Road
Former KHK Visiting Research Fellow 04/2011-03/2012
Former Direktor, Seminar for Buddhist Studies, Copenhagen, Danmark

Henrik Hjort Sørensen has been the co-director of the Seminar for Buddhist Studies in Copenhagen together with Ian Astely (Japan) and Per K. Sørensen (Tibet) from 1987–1999 and has become its director in 2000.

His fields of interest cover East Asian Buddhism broadly defined with special emphasis on the relationship between religious practice and material culture including religious art. The Buddhist sculptural art of Sichuan has been at the forefront of his endeavors since the mid-1980s. In the past two decades the various forms of Esoteric Buddhism (mijiao, mikkyō and milgyŏ) have taken precedence over other form of East Asian Buddhism, although Chinese Chan and Korean Sŏn Buddhism continue to be fields of major interest.

He is currently working on a large-scale project on the early history of Esoteric Buddhism in China including issues relating to definition, textual history and iconography. Starting with his fellowship in Bochum in 2011 he is directing his efforts to in-depth research into the relationship between Buddhism and Daoism in medieval China, including their mutual adaptations and borrowings.


nach Vereinbarung


Ph.D., East Asian Languages and Cultures, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 1988

M.A., Chinese Art and Culture, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 1983

KHK Fellowship

Duration: April 2011 – March 2012


Sørensen, Henrik H. 2017a. An Early Collection of Buddhist Ritual Texts from Dunhuang, 4494: Spells in Context. Shanghai: Normal University.
---. 2017b. Buddhist Identity and the Need to Travel Abroad: Korean Sŏn Monks in Search of the Dharma in Tang China. Brill. Forthcoming 2017.
---. 2017c. On the Decoding of a Daoist Scripture: Another Look at the Buddhist Elements in the Taishang dongxuan lingbao yebao yinyuan jing. 
---. 2017d. Spells and Magical Practices as Reflected in the Early Chinese Buddhist Sources (c. 300–600 CE) and their Implications for the Rise and Development of Esoteric Buddhism. In: Chinese and Tibetan Tantric Buddhism, 41–71. Leiden: Brill.
---. 2017e. Talismans and Magical Charts in Korean Buddhism during the Chosŏn. In: Buddhist Rituals During the Chosŏn Dynasty. Seoul: forthcoming 2017.
---. 2017f. The Meaning and Application of Secrecy in the Interface between Daoism and Esoteric Buddhism in Late Medieval and Early Pre-Modern China. Brill. Forthcoming 2017.
---. 2017g. The Meeting and Conflation of Chan and Esoteric Buddhism during the Tang. In: Chán Buddhism in the Northwestern Region (Dunhuang and Beyond...). Forthcoming 2017.
---. 2017h. The Meeting of Daoist and Buddhist Spatial Imagination: The Construction of the Netherworld in Medieval China. In: Locating Religions: Contact, Diversity and Translocality, 23–292. Leiden, Boston: Brill.
---. 2017i. Tracing the Evolution of Esoteric Buddhist Rituals? A Reading of Koichi Shinohara’s Spells, Mages, and Maṇḍalas. eJECAR 3 (2017): 0–0X (electronic publication, Edinburgh U.).


Sørensen, Henrik H. 2016a. A Look at Stephen Eskildsen: Daoism, Meditation and the Wonders of Serenity. Entangled Religions—Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of Religious Contact and Transfer 3 (2016): X–00.
---. 2016b. Esoteric Buddhism and Iconographical Peculiarities Seen among the Sculptural Groups at Mt. Bei in Dazu. In: 2014 Dazu xue guoji xueshu yanjiu hui [2014 大足学国际学术研究会], 454–464. Dazu: Chongqing chubanshe.
---. 2016c. The Didactic Use of Animal Images in Southern Song Buddhism: The Case of Mt. Baoding in Dazu, Sichuan. In: The Zoomorphic Imagination in Chinese Art and Culture, 137–170. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.


Sørensen, Henrik H. 2015a. Buddhismen. In: Politikens religionshistoriske håndbog, 29-72. Copenhagen: Politikens Forlag.
---. 2015b. Esoteric Buddhism at the Crossroads: Religious Dynamics at Dunhuang, 9th–10th Centuries. In: Transfer of Buddhism Across Central Asian Networks (7th to 13th Centuries), 250–284. Leiden, Boston: Brill.


Sørensen, Henrik H. 2014. Concerning the Role and Iconography of the Astral Deity Sudṛṣti (Miaojian 妙見) in Esoteric Buddhism. In: China and Beyond in the Mediaeval Period: Cultural Crossings and Inter-Regional Connections, 403–420. New Delhi, Singapore: Manohar.


Sørensen, Henrik H. 2013a. Buddho-Daoism in Medieval and Early Pre-Modern China: A Report on Recent Findings Concerning Influences and Shared Religious Practices. eJECAR 1 (2013): 99–123.
---.,ed. 2013b. The Talismanic Seal Incorporated: An Iconographic Note on Seal-Bearing Bodhisattvas in the Sculptural Art of Sichuan and the Significance of Seals within the Chinese Esoteric Buddhist Tradition. Artibus Asiae 73:2 (2013): 403–443.
---. 2013b. Looting the Pantheon: On the Daoist Appropriation of Buddhist Divinities and Saints. eJECAR 1 (2013): 57–79.
---. 2013c. Of Eco-Buddhas and Dharma Roots: Views from the East Asian Buddhist Tradition. In: Nature, Environment, and Culture in East Asia: The Challenge of Climate Change, 83–104. Leiden: Brill.
---. 2013d. Electronic Journal of East and Central Asian Religions (eJECAR)


Sørensen, Henrik H. 2012. The History and Practice of Early Chan. In: Readings of the Platform Sūtra, 53–76. New York: Columbia University Press.
---. 2012b. The Talismanic Seal Incorporated: A Discussion of Seal-Bearing Bodhisattvas in Chinese Esoteric Buddhism with Special Reference to the Buddhist Sculptures in Dazu. In: 2009 Nian Zhongguo Chongqing Dazu shike Guoji xueshu yantao hui lunwenji [Proceedings of the 2009 International Symposium on the Dazu Rock Carvings Chongqing], Chongqing: Chongqing chubanshe.


Sørensen, Henrik H.,ed. 2011a. Central Divinities in the Esoteric Buddhist Panteon in China. In: Esoteric Buddhism and the Tantras in East Asia [EBTEA], 90–132. Leiden: Brill.
---. 2011b. Esoteric Buddhism and Magic. In: Esoteric Buddhism and the Tantras in East Asia [EBTEA], 197–207. Leiden: Brill.
---,ed. 2011c. Esoteric Buddhism and the Tantras in East Asia. Leiden, Boston: Brill.
---. 2011d. Esoteric Buddhism and the Mantras in East Asia: Some Methodological Considerations. In: Esoteric Buddhism and the Tantras in East Asia [EBTEA], 3–18. Leiden: Brill.
---. 2011e. Esoteric Buddhism in Sichuan during the Tang and Five Dynasties Period. In: Esoteric Buddhism and the Tantras in East Asia [EBTEA], 393–400. Leiden: Brill.
---. 2011f. Esoteric Buddhism under the Chosŏn. In: Esoteric Buddhism and the Tantras in East Asia [EBTEA], 616–657. Leiden: Brill.
---. 2011g. Esoteric Buddhism under the Jin. In: Esoteric Buddhism and the Tantras in East Asia [EBTEA], 478–486. Leiden: Brill.
---. 2011h. Esoteric Buddhism under the Koryŏ. In: Esoteric Buddhism and the Tantras in East Asia [EBTEA], 597–615. Leiden: Brill.
---. 2011i. Esoteric Buddhism under the Nanzhao and Dali Kingdoms (c. 800–1253). In: Esoteric Buddhism and the Tantras in East Asia [EBTEA], 379–392. Leiden: Brill.
---. 2011j. Esoteric Buddhism under the Liao In: Esoteric Buddhism and the Tantras in East Asia [EBTEA], 456–464. Leiden: Brill.
---. 2011k. Esoteric Buddhist Art from the Nanzhao and Dali Kingdoms. In: Esoteric Buddhism and the Tantras in East Asia [EBTEA], 487–497. Leiden: Brill.
---. 2011l. Esoteric Buddhist Art in China, 960–1279. In: Esoteric Buddhism and the Tantras in East Asia [EBTEA], 498–514. Leiden: Brill.
---. 2011m. Esoteric Buddhist Art under the Tang. In: Esoteric Buddhism and the Tantras in East Asia [EBTEA], 401–418. Leiden: Brill.
---. 2011n. Esoteric Buddhist Art up to the Tang. In: Esoteric Buddhism and the Tantras in East Asia [EBTEA], 255–262. Leiden: Brill.
---. 2011o. Mudrā, Mantra and Maṇḍala. In: Esoteric Buddhism and the Tantras in East Asia [EBTEA], 76–89. Leiden: Brill.
---. 2011p. On Esoteric Buddhism in China: A Working Definition. In: Esoteric Buddhism and the Tantras in East Asia [EBTEA], 155–175. Leiden: Brill.
---. 2011q. Stupas and Relics. In: Esoteric Buddhism and the Tantras in East Asia [EBTEA], 146–154. Leiden: Brill.
---. 2011r. Textual Material Relating to Esoteric Buddhism in China outside Taishō 18–21. In: Esoteric Buddhism and the Tantras in East Asia [EBTEA], 37–67. Leiden: Brill.
---. 2011s. The Apocrypha and Esoteric Buddhism in China. In: Esoteric Buddhism and the Tantras in East Asia [EBTEA], 181–196. Leiden: Brill.
---. 2011t. The Presence of Esoteric Buddhist Elements in Chinese Buddhism. In: Esoteric Buddhism and the Tantras in East Asia [EBTEA], 294–303. Leiden: Brill.


Sørensen, Henrik H.,ed. 2010a. Early Esoteric Buddhism in Korea. In: Esoteric Buddhism and the Tantras in East Asia [EBTEA], 575–596. Leiden: Brill.
---. 2010b. Scriptural Empowerment in Koryŏ Buddhism: The Case of the Vajracchedikā Sūtra from Pongnim Temple. Cahiers d’Études Coréennes (Mélanges offerts à Marc Orange et Alexandre Guillemoz) 8 (2010): 445–464.
---. 2010c. Worshipping the Cosmos: Tejaprabha Rituals under the Koryŏ. IABTC 15 (2010): 1–21.


Sørensen, Henrik H. 2009a. A Dialogue on Buddhist Meditation from the Early Tang Dynasty: The Xiuchan Yaojue. In: India and Asia: P.C. Bagchi centenary volume. Editor-in-chief, 290–322. Kolkata: Progressive Publishers.
---. 2009b. An Investigation of two Buddhist Tomb-Inscriptions from 12th Century Koryŏ. IATBC 12 (2009): 79–94.
---. 2009c. Mirror of Emptiness: The Life and Times of the Sŏn Master Kyŏnghŏ Sŏngu. In: Makers of Modern Korean Buddhism, 131–156. Stony Brook, New York: SUNY Press.
---,ed. 2009d. Studies in Central and East Asian Religions (SCEAR). Vol. 15. Leiden. Brill.
---. 2009e. The Talismanic Seal Incorporated: A Discussion of Seal-bearing Bodhisattvas in Chinese Esoteric Buddhism with Special Reference to the Buddhist Sculptures in Dazu. In: 2009’ Zhongguo Chongqing Dazu shike guoji xueshu yantao huiji Dazu shike lieru ‘Shijie yichan minglu’ 10 zhou nianji nianhui 2009 [中国重庆大足石刻国际学术研讨會暨大足石刻列入‘世界遺產名錄10’周年記年會] [2009’ International Academic Symposium of Dazu Rock Arvings, Chongqing China and the 10th Anniversary of the Dazu Rock Arvings being Inscribed in the World Heritage List]. Vol. 1, 55–69. Chongqing: Dazu shike bowuguan.


Sørensen, Henrik H. 2008. Mijiao yu Sichuan Dazu shike yishu (Esoteric Buddhism and the Art of the Dazu Stone Carvings in Sichuan). In: 2005 nian Chongqing Dazu shike guoji xueshu yantao hui lunwen ji, 374–398. Beijing: Wenwu Chubanshe.


Sørensen, Henrik H. 2007a. Buddhism and Material Culture in China: A Review-article of John Kieschnick’s The Impact of Buddhism on Chinese Material Culture. Acta Orientalia 68 (2007): 247–280.
---. 2007b. Review Article of John Jorgensen: Inventing Hui-neng, the Sixth Patriarch: Hagiography and Biography in Early Ch’an. Pacific World: Journal of the Institute for Buddhist Studies 3.9 (2007): 312–329.
---. 2007c. Trends in the Study of Korean Buddhism in Europe from 1968–2006. Korea Journal 47.1 (2007): 212–234.


Sørensen, Henrik H. 2006a. Esoteric Buddhism under the Koryŏ in the Light of the Greater East Asian Tradition. International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Culture 7 (2006): 55–94.
---. 2006b. The Spell of the Great, Golden Peacock Queen: The Origin, Practices and Lore of an Early Esoteric Buddhist Tradition in China. Pacific World: Journal of the Institute for Buddhist Studies (Special Issue: Honoring James H. Sanford) 3.8 (2006): 89–123.


Sørensen, Henrik H. 2005a. On the Nature of Esoteric Buddhist Practice under the Koryŏ: Apropos the Sinin ad Ch’ongji Schools. International Journal of Buddhist Thought and Culture 5 (2005): 49–84.
---. 2005b. Reality and Fiction in the Construction of the Image of a Chinese Buddhist Monk: The Case of Zhao Zhifeng from Dazu, Sichuan. (Unpublished paper presented at the workshop on Chinese Buddhist Historiography, Hamburg University, July 2005).


Sørensen, Henrik H. 2004a. Ideals, Role-models and Realities Reflected in the Image of the Korean Buddhist Nun. In: Korean Nuns within the Context of East Asian Buddhist Traditions, 403–418. Anyang: Hanmaum Seonwon.
---. 2004b. Michel Strickmann on Magical Medicine in Medieval China and Elsewhere (A Review of: Michel Strickmann: Chinese Magical Medicine. Ed. Bernard Faure. Asian Religions & Cultures. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2002). Journal of the History of Religions 43 (2004): 319–332.
---. 2004c. ‘Protecting the Nation’: Korean Buddhism under the Rule of Park Chung Hee, 1961–1979. Papers of the British Association for Korean Studies 9 (2004): 1–17.


Sørensen, Henrik H. 2003. Concerning the Korean Sŏn Master Hyŏngak and Yŏngok Temple in Mt. Chiri. Kanguko bukkyo gaku Seminar [Memorial Edition for the Late Professor Kim Chi-gyŏn] 9 (2003): 303–333.


Sørensen, Henrik H., ed. 2001a. Embodying Wisdom: Art, Text and Interpretation in the History of Esoteric Buddhism. SBS Monograph VI. Copenhagen: SBS Publications.
---. 2001b. The Life of the Lay-Buddhist Saint Liu Benzun as Sculptural Tableaux. In: Embodying Wisdom: Art, Text and Interpretation in the History of Esoteric Buddhism, 57–100. SBS Monograph VI. Copenhagen: SBS Publications.


Sørensen, Henrik H. 2000a. Buddhism: Inculturation. In: Encyclopedia of Monasticism, 198b–202a. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers.
---. 2000b. Buddhist Schools/Traditions: China. In: Encyclopedia of Monasticism, 205a–210a. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers.
---. 2000c. Buddhist Schools/Traditions: Korea. In: Encyclopedia of Monasticism, 217a–219a. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers.
---. 2000d. Daoism: Influence on Buddhism. In: Encyclopedia of Monasticism, 357b–359b. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers.
---. 2000e. Esoteric Buddhism in China and Japan. In: Encyclopedia of Monasticism, 451a–453a. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers.
---. 2000f. Mantras. In: Encyclopedia of Monasticism, 815b–817b. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers.
---. 2000f. Patrons, Buddhist: Korea. In: Encyclopedia of Monasticism, 999b–1000a. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers.
---. 2000g. Perspectives on Buddhism in Dunhuang during the Tang and Five Dynasties Period. In: The Silk Roads: Highways of Culture and Commerce, 27–48. Paris: UNESCO Publishing/ Berghahn Books.
---. 2000h. Problems with Using the Samguk yusa as a Source for the Study of Korean Buddhism. In: Mélanges Offerts à Li Ogg et Daniel Bouchez, 269–286. Paris: Centre d’Études Coréennes.
---. 2000i. Visual Arts, Buddhist: Korea. In: Encyclopedia of Monasticism, 1348b–1351a. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers.
---. 2000j.Worship Space: Buddhist Perspectives. In: Encyclopedia of Monasticism, 1411a–1412b. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers.


Sørensen, Henrik H. 1999a. Buddhism and Secular Power in Twentieth Century Korea. In: Buddhism and Politics in Twentieth Century Asia, 127–52. London, New York: Pinter.
---. 1997b. Korean Buddhism: The Pre-Modern and Modern Period. In: Buddhist Spirituality 2.World Spirituality. Vol. 9, 109–33. New York: The Crossroad Publishing Co.
---. 1997c. On the Re-Discovery of Two Important Epigraphical Catalogues Pertaining to the History, Religion and Culture of Sichuan. SCEAR 11 (1999): 36–8.
---. 1997d. Optional Causality: Karma, Retribution, and the Transference of Merit in the Context of Popular Chinese Buddhism. Horin 6 (1999): 171–89.
---. 1997e. Religiøse tekster fra Japan og Korea. Verdensreligionernes hovedværker. Vol. 16. Copenhagen: Spektrum.
---,ed. 1997f. Studies in Central and East Asian Religions (SCEAR). Vol. 11. Leiden. Brill.
---. 1997g. The Buddhist Sculptures at Yuanjuedong in Anyue: The History and Art of a Buddhist Sanctuary in Central Sichuan Province. SBS Monographs 5. Copenhagen: SBS.
---. 1997h. The Temple of Pure Vacuity: A Daoist Sanctuary in Southern Shanxi Province. SCEAR 11 (1999): 15–17.


Sørensen, Henrik H. 1998. The Tang Buddhist Sculptures at Feixian Pavillion in Pujiang, Sichuan. Artibus Asiae, 18 (1998): 33–67.


Sørensen, Henrik H. 1997a. Esoteric Buddhist Rituals at the Royal Court under the Koryŏ Dynasty. In: Han’guk pulgyo sasang ≈i pobyŏn sŏng kwa t’≈ksu sŏng [The Nature of the Spread of Korean Buddhist Thought and Its Distinct Nature]. Inch’ŏn: Inha taehakkyo, 1997 [no pagination].
---. 1997b. The Sculptures at the Thousand Buddhas Cliff in Jiajiang, Sichuan Province. Oriental Arts (1997): 37–48.
---,ed. 1997c. Studies in Central and East Asian Religions (SCEAR). Vol. 10. Leiden. Brill.


Sørensen, Henrik H. 1996a. Korean Buddhism on the Threshold of the 21st Century. In: 100 Years of Modernization in Korea: Toward the 21st Century: Selected Papers of the 9th International Conference on Korean Studies, 159–90. Seoul: The Academy of Korean Studies.
---. 1996b. Report on Recent Fieldwork in Sichuan, 1997. SCEAR 10 (1997): 58–63.
---,ed. 1996c. Studies in Central and East Asian Religions (SCEAR). Vol. 9. Leiden. Brill.


Sørensen, Henrik H. 1995a. Altar: (ii) Other. In: Arts Dictionary, 703ab. London: MacMillian.
---. 1995b. Astana. In: Arts Dictionary, 644b–645a. London: MacMillian.
---. 1995c. Beijing. In: Arts Dictionary, 515b-521a. London: MacMillian.
---. 1995d. Buddhism: 8. China. In: Arts Dictionary, 106b-113b. London: MacMillian.
---. 1995e. Buddhist Sculptures from the Song Dynasty at the Mingshan Temple in Anyue, Sichuan. Artibus Asiae 55 (1995): 281–302.
---. 1995f. (Central Asia) 6. Historiography. In: Arts Dictionary, 320ab. London: MacMillian.
---. 1995g. China: Painting. 2. Materials and Techniques. In: Arts Dictionary, 775b-776a. London: MacMillian.
---. 1995h.China: Painting. 3. Themes. In: Arts Dictionary, 776a-782b. London: MacMillian.
---. 1995i. China: Sculpture. 1. Buddhist. I: Arts Dictionary, 706a-723b. London: MacMillian.
---. 1995j. Dengfeng. In: Arts Dictionary, 712b-713b. London: MacMillian.
---. 1995k. Fuzhou. In: Arts Dictionary, 869b-870a. London: MacMillian.
---. 1995l. Ganden. In: Arts Dictionary, 36b–73a. London: MacMillian.
---. 1995m. Guangzhou. In: Arts Dictionary, 736b-737b. London: MacMillian.
---. 1995n. Jiayuguan. In: Arts Dictionary, 584ab. London: MacMillian.
---. 1995o. Karakhoto. In: Arts Dictionary, 807ab. London: MacMillian.
---. 1995p. Kashgar. In: Arts Dictionary, 830b-831a. London: MacMillian.
---. 1995q Kunming. In: Arts Dictionary, 519-520. London: MacMillian.
---. 1995r. Lhasa. In: Arts Dictionary, 293-295. London: MacMillian.
---. 1995s. Li Di. In: Arts Dictionary, 330-332. London: MacMillian.
---. 1995t. Luoyang. In: Arts Dictionary, 803b-804a. London: MacMillian.
---. 1995u. Nanjing. In: Arts Dictionary, 457a–459b. London: MacMillian.
---. 1995v. Otani, Count Kõzui. In: Arts Dictionary, 628ab. London: MacMillian.
---. 1995w Periodical, III.: (i) China. In: Arts Dictionary, 435a–436b. London: MacMillian.
---. 1995x. (xii) Prints. In: Arts Dictionary, 314ab. London: MacMillian.
---. 1995y. Religions in Traditional Korea. SBS Monograph III. Copenhagen: SBS Publications.
---. 1995z. Religious Buildings: (i) Buddhist. In: Arts Dictionary, 666b-671a. London: MacMillian.
---. 1995aa. Religious Buildings: (ii) Daoist. In: Arts Dictionary, 671a-674b. London: MacMillian.
---. 1995ab. Sakya. In: Arts Dictionary, 600a-601a. London: MacMillian.
---. 1995ac. Sarcophagus. 2. East Asia. In: Arts Dictionary, 832ab. London: MacMillian.
---. 1995ad. (Shrine) IV. Central Asia. In: Arts Dictionary, 635–637. London: MacMillian.
---. 1995ae. (Shrine) V. East Asia. In: Arts Dictionary, 637-639. London: MacMillian.
---. 1995af. Silk Route: 1. Introduction. In: Arts Dictionary, 718a–721a. London: MacMillian.
---,ed. 1995ag. Studies in Central and East Asian Religions (SCEAR). Vol. 8. Leiden. Brill.
---. 1995ah. Stūpa: 4. Central Asia. In: Arts Dictionary, 867ab. London: MacMillian.
---. 1995ai. Stūpa: 6. China. In: Arts Dictionary, 868ab. London: MacMillian.
---. 1995aj. Taiyuan. In: Arts Dictionary, 250a–251a. London: MacMillian.
---. 1995ak. (Temple) 2. Central Asia: Eastern. In: Arts Dictionary, 441-442. London: MacMillian.
---. 1995al. (Temple) IV. East Asia. 1. China. In: Arts Dictionary, 442-443. London: MacMillian.
---. 1995am. The Worship of the Seven Stars of the Great Dipper in Korean Buddhism. In: Religions in Traditional Korea, 71–105. Copenhagen: SBS Monographs III.
---. 1995an Wuwei. In: Arts Dictionary, 438b–439a. London: MacMillian.
---. 1995ao Wuxi. In: Arts Dictionary, 439ab. London: MacMillian.


Sørensen, Henrik H. 1994a. Dunhuang hanwen chanji tezheng gaiguan. Dunhuang yanjiu 1 (1994): 109–120.
---. 1994b. Esoteric Buddhism in Korea. In: The Esoteric Buddhist Tradition, 73–96. Copenhagen: SBS Monographs II.
---. 1994c. Divine Scrutiny of Human Morals in an Early Chinese Buddhist Sūtra: A Study of the Si tianwang jing (T. 590). SCEAR 8 (1995): 44–83.
---,ed. 1994d. Studies in Central and East Asian Religions (SCEAR). Vol. 7. Leiden. Brill.
---,ed. 1994e. The Esoteric Buddhist Tradition. SBS Monographs II. Copenhagen: SBS Publications.


Sørensen, Henrik H. 1993a. Lamaism in Korea during the Late Koryo Dynasty. Korea Journal 33:3 (1993): 67–81.
---. 1993b. Mestrenes liv som litterær institution: Den hagiografiske tradition i Østasiens åndsliv. Chaos 20 (1993): 114–125.
---. 1993c. On Esoteric Practices in Korean Sŏn Buddhism during the Choson Period. In: Chinsan Han Kidu paksa hwagap kinyon: Hanguk chonggyo sasang ui chae chomy-ong, 521–546. Seoul: Wongwang taehakkyo ch’ulp’an kuk.
---,ed. 1993d.Studies in Central and East Asian Religions (SCEAR). Vol. 6. Leiden. Brill.
---. 1993e. The Attitude of the Japanese Colonial Government towards Religions in Korea from 1910–1919. Copenhagen Papers of East and Southeast Asian Studies 8 (1993): 49–69.


Sørensen, Henrik H. 1992a. Buddhism in Mainland China 1980–1990: A Survey. In: Anthology of Fo Kuang Shan International Buddhist Conference, 516–529. Foguang Shan: Gaoxiong.
---,ed. 1992b.Studies in Central and East Asian Religions (SCEAR). Vol. 5. Leiden. Brill.
---. 1992c.Tang Wudai Dunhuang fojiao toushi. Dunhuang xue 18 (1992): 7996.


Sørensen, Henrik H. 1991a. A Ming Statue of the Vidyaraja Mahamayuri in the Collection of the National Museum of Copenhagen. Oriental Art 37.3 (1991): 137–47.
---. 1991/1992b. A Bibliographical Survey of Buddhist Ritual Texts from Korea. Cahiers D'Extrême Asie 5 (1991–92): 159–200.
---. 1991c. A Study of the Ox-Herding Theme as Sculptures at Baoding Shan in Dazu, Sichuan. Artibus Asiae 51 (1991): 207-233.
---. 1991d. En blasfemisk apokryf sūtra i polemikken imellem daoister og buddhister: A propos Laozi huahu jing. Chaos 16 (1991): 35–51.
---. 1991e. On the Role of the Japanese Missionaries in the Revival of Korean Buddhism. In: Perspectives on Japan and Korea, 46–62. Copenhagen: Proceedings of the Second, NAJAKS/NIAS, Copenhagen: Nordic Institute of Japanese and Korean/Asian Studies. (Proceedings of the Second Nordic Conference in Asian Studies.)
---,ed. 1991f. Perspectives on Japan and Korea. Copenhagen: Nordic Proceedings in Asian Studies (NIAS/NAJAKS).
---,ed. 1991g. Studies in Central and East Asian Religions (SCEAR). Vol. 4. Leiden: Brill.
---. 1991g. Typology and Iconography in the Esoteric Buddhist Art of Dunhuang. Silk Road Art and Archaeology 2 (1991–1992): 285–249.


Sørensen, Henrik H. 1990a. Fænomenerne som ikke er: Facetter af Buddhismens syn på objekter. Tidsskriftet Antropologi 21/22 (1990): 97–104.
---. 1990b.Korean Buddhist Journals during the Early Japanese Colonial Rule. Korea Journal 30.1 (1990):17–27.
---,ed. 1990c. Studies in Central and East Asian Religions (SCEAR). Vol. 3. Leiden: Brill.


Sørensen, Henrik H. 1989a. A Survey of the Religious Sculptures in Anyue. East Asian Institute Occasional Papers 4 (1989): 3–40.
---. 1989b. The Iconography of Korean Buddhist Paintings. Iconography of Religions. XII,9, Leiden: Brill.
---. 1989c. Some Observations on the Chan Manuscripts from Dunhuang. Studies in Central and East Asian Religions 2 (1989): 111–139.
---,ed. 1989d. Studies in Central and East Asian Religions (SCEAR). Vol. 2. Leiden: Brill.


Sørensen, Henrik H. 1988a. Kusan Sonmun kwan e kwanryon eso pon Chinul son ui naeyong. In: Pojo sasang yongu hye, Songgwang Sa, 1-13.
---,ed. 1988b. Studies in Central and East Asian Religions (SCEAR). Vol 1. Leiden: Brill.
---. 1988c. The Conflict between Buddhism and Christianity in Korea. East Asian Institute Occasional Papers 1 (1988): 25–31.
---. 1988d. The Conflict between Sŏn and Doctrinal Buddhism in Unified Silla. East Asian Institute Occasional Papers 2 (1988):61–79.
---. 1988e. The Contents of Chinul ́s Son Seen in Relation to the Nine Mountain Schools. In: Pojo sasang yongu hoe, Songgwang Sa, 1–16.
---. 1988f. The History and Doctrines of Early Korean Son Buddhism. Ph.D. diss. Copenhagen: Østasiatisk Institut/København Universitet.
---. 1988g. The Hwaom Kyong Pyonsang To: An Yi Dynasty Buddhist Painting of the Dharma Realm, Oriental Art 34.2 (1988): 91–105.
---. 1988h. The Life and Times of the Ch’an Master Yün-men Wen-yen. Acta Orientalia 49 (1988): 105–131.


Sørensen, Henrik H. 1987a. Kamno Wang billedet i koreansk Buddhisme: Det billedlige medium som pædagoisk faktor. Chaos 8 (1987): 75–95.
---. 1987b. The T'aenghwa Tradition of Korean Buddhism. In: Korean Culture. Vol. 8, No. 4, 13–25, Los Angeles: Korean Cultural Service.


Sørensen, Henrik H. 1986a. Ennin’s Account of a Korean Buddhist Monastery 839-840 A.D. Acta Orientalia 47 (1986): 141–155.
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Sørensen, Henrik H. 1985. On the Songa Kugam by Sosan Taesa. In Proceedings of the 9th Annual Conference of the Association for Korean Studies in Europe, 10–15 April 1985, 273–286. Chantilly: University of Paris.


Sørensen, Henrik H. 1984. Zen-Buddhisme. In: Gads religions historiske tekster, 211–226. Kopenhagen: Gad.


Sørensen, Henrik H. 1983. The Life and Thought of the Korean Sŏn Master Kyŏnghŏ. In: Korean Studies. Vol. 7, 9-33. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.



Review of: Best, Jonathan. 2005. A History of the Early Korean Kingdom of Paekche. Harvard Asian Monographs 256. Cambridge, London: Harvard University Asia Center. In: Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies 8.2 (2008): 203–206.


Review of: Berg, Daria. 2002. Carnival in China: A Reading of the Xingshi yinyuan zhuan. China Studies. Vol. 1. Leiden: Brill. In: Acta Orientalia 65 (2004): 220–225.
Review of: Hobson, Peter, trans. 2003. Poems of Hanshan. With an Introduction by T. H. Barrett. The Sacred Literature Series. Oxford: Alta Mira Press. In: Acta Orientalia 65 (2004): 217–219.
Review of: Kreide-Damani, Ingrid, ed. Dating Tibetan Art: Essays in the Possibilities and Impossibilities of Chronology from the Lempertz Symposium, Cologne. Contributions to Tibetan Studies. Vol. 3. Wiesbaden: Ludwig Reichert Verlag. In: Acta Orientalia 65 (2004): 194–199.
Review of: van Gulik, Robert H. 2004. Erotic Colour Prints of the Ming Period - with an Essay on Chinese Sex Life from the Han to the Ch’ing Dynasty, B.C. 206–A.D. 1644 (Autorized reprint). With introductions by James Cahill, Wilt L. Idema and Sören Edgren, 2 Vols. Sinica Leidensia. Vol. LXII. Leiden, Boston: Brill. In: Acta Orientalia 65 (2004): 213–216.


Review of: Gregory, Peter N., and Daniel A. Getz Jr., ed. 1999Buddhism in the Sung. Studies in East Asian Buddhism, Vol. 13. Honolulu: Kuroda Institute, and University of Hawai‘i Press. In: Acta Orientalia 62 (2001).
Review of: Kuo, Jason C. 2000. Art and Cultural Politics in Postwar Taiwan. Seattle, London: University of Washington Press, and CDL Press. In: Acta Orientalia 62 (2001).
Review of: Litte, Stephen, ed. 2000. Taoism and the Arts of China. Chicago: The Art Institute of Chicago in association w. University of California Press. In: SCEAR 12/13 (2001–2002): 250–257.
Review of: Litvinsky, Boris A. 1999 Die Geschichte des Buddhismus in Ostturkestan. Wiesbaden: O. Harrassowitz. In: SCEAR 12/13 (2001–2002): 247–250.


Review of: Frick, Johann. 1995. Zwischen Himmel und Erde: Riten und Brauchtum in Nordwestchina. Collectanea Instituti Anthropos. Vol. 42. Sieburg: Sankt Augustin Academia Verlag. In: Acta Orientalia 61 (2000): 309–311.
Review of: Kantor, Hans-Rudolf. 1999. Die Heilslehre im Tiantai-Denken des Zhiyi (538–597) und der philosophische Begriff des ‘Unendlichen’ bei Mou Zongsan (1909–1995). Opera Sinologica. Vol. 5. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. In: Acta Orientalia 61 (2000): 311–315.
Review of: Sogen, Omori. 1996. An Introduction to Zen Training. London, New York: Kegan Paul International. In: Acta Orientalia 61 (2000): 316–318.


Review of: Bloom, Irene, and Joshua A. Fogel, ed. 1997. Meeting of Minds: Intellectual and Religious Interaction in East Asian Traditions of Thought. New York: Columbia University Press. In: SCEAR 10 (1997): 92–95.
Review of: Petzet, Michael, ed. 1996. Der Grosse Buddha von Dafosi [The Great Buddha of Dafosi/大佛寺大佛].Arbeitshefte des Bayerischen Landesamtes für Denkmalpflege. Vol 82. München. In: SCEAR 10 (1997): 89–91.
Review of: Zhongguo shiku diaosu jinghua [The Quintessence of Sculptures in the Stone Grottoes of China]. 1996. Chongqing: Chongqing chubanshe. In: SCEAR 10 (1997): 91–92.


Review of: Dunnel, Ruth W. 1996. The Great State of White and High: Buddhism and State Formation in Eleventh–Century Xia. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. In: SCEAR 9 (1996): 127–129.
Review of: Grant, Beata. 1994. Mount Lu Revisited: Buddhism in the Life and Writings of Su Shih. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. In: SCEAR 9 (1996): 124–126.
Review of: Holocombe, Charles. 1994. In the Shadow of the Han: Literati Thought and Society at the Beginning of the Southern Dynasties. Honolulu: Universty of Hawaii Press. In: SCEAR 9 (1996): 121–124.
Review of: Italian School of East Asian Studies. 1994. Japanese Popular Deities in Prints and Paintings: A Catalogue of the Exhibition. Kyoto Italian School of East Asian Studies, and École Française d’Extrême–Orient. In: SCEAR 9 (1996): 113–114.
Review of: Powers, John, trans. 1995. Wisdom of Buddha: The Sādhinirmocana Mahãyãna Sūtra (Essential Questions and Direct Answers for Realizing Enlightenment). Berkeley: Dharma Publishing. In: SCEAR 9 (1996): 112–113.
Review of: Teiser, Stephen F. 1994. The Scripture of the Ten Kongs and the Making of Purgatyory in Medieval Chinese Buddhism. Studies in East Asian Buddhism. Vol. 9. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. In: SCEAR 9 (1996): 114–121.
Review of: Weidner, Marsha, ed. 1994. Latter Days of the Law: Images of Chinese Buddhism 850–1850. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. In: SCEAR 9 (1996): 130–133.


Review of: Buzo, Adrian, and Tony Prince. 1993. Kyunyŏ-jŏn: The Life, Times and Songs of a Tenth Century Korean Monk. University of Sydney East Asian Series Number 6. Canberra: Wild Peony. In: SCEAR 8 (1995): 126–128.
Review of: Chen, Jo-shui. 1992. Liu Tsung-yüan and Intellectual Change in T'ang China, 773–819.Cambridge Studies in Chinese History, Literature, and Institutions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. In: SCEAR 8 (1995): 115–120.
Review of: Dengfu, Xiao. 1994. Daojiao shuyi yu mijiao dianji. Taipei: Xinwen feng. In: SCEAR 8 (1995): 146–147.
Review of: Durt, Hubert, ed. 1994. Hōbōgirin VII – Daijō–Daishi. Paris: Librarie D'Amerique et Orient Adrien–Maisonneuve. In: SCEAR 8 (1995):110–115.
Review of: Gernet, Jacques. 1995. Buddhism in Chinese Society. New York: Columbia University Press. In: SCEAR 8 (1995): 122–126.
Review of: Goepper, Roger. 1993. Aizen-Myõõ: The Esoteric King of Lust. An Iconographical Study. Ascona: Artibus Asiae – Museum Rietberg. In: Artibus Asiae 55.1/2 (1995): 378–381.
Review of: Granoff, Phyllis, and Koichi Shinohara. 1994. Other Selves: Autobiography and Biography in Cross-Cultural Perspective. Oakville, Buffalo: Mosaic Press. In: SCEAR 8 (1995): 132–134.
Review of: Günzel, Marcus. 1994. Die Morgen- und Abendliturgie der chinesischen Buddhisten. Göttingen: Seminar für Indologie und Buddhismuskunde. In: SCEAR 8 (1995): 120–122.
Review of: Ryõshõ, Tanaka, ed. 1994. Zengaku kenkyū nyūmon [Introduction to the Zen Studies]. Tokyo: Daitõ shuppansha. In: SCEAR 8 (1995): 128–132.
Review of: Lama Mipham. 1993. Ways of Enlightenment: Buddhist Studies at Nyingma Institute. Berkeley: Dharma Publishing. In: SCEAR 8 (1995): 147–148.
Review of: Watson, Burton. 1993. The Lotus Sutra. New York: Columbia University Press. In: SCEAR 8 (1995): 148–149.


Review of: Dani, A. H. and V. M Masson, eds. 1992. History of Civilizations of Central Asia, Vol. 1. The Dawn of Civilization: Earliest Times to 700 B.C. Paris: Unesco Publishing. In: Acta Orientalia 55 (1994): 233–239.
Review of: Ho, Wai-Kam, and Judith Smith. 1992. The Century of Tung Ch’i-ch’ang 15551636. 2 Vols. Seattle: University of Washington Press. In: Acta Orientalia 55 (1994): 313–317.
Review of: Kuo, Jason C. 1992. Word as Image: The Art of Chiese Seal Engraving. New York: China House Gallery, China Institute of America. In: Acta Orientalia 55 (1994): 319–320.
Review of: Malandra, Geri H. 1993. Unfolding a Mandala: The Buddhist Cave Temples at Ellora. Albany: State University of New York Press. In: SCEAR 7 (1994): 105–108.
Review of: Piotrovsky, Mikhail, ed. 1993. Lost Empire of the Silk Road: Buddhist Art from Khara Khoto (X–XIIIth Century). Milano: Electa/Thyssen-Bornemisza Foundation. In: ISCEAR 7 (1994): 102–105.
Review of: Reis-Habito, Maria D. 1993. Die Dhāranī des grossen Erbarmens des Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara mit tausend Händen und Augen: Übersetzung und Untersuchung ihrer textlichen Grundlage sowie Erforschung ihres Kultes in China. Monumenta Serica Monograph Series. Vol. 27. Nettetal: Steyler Verlag. In: SCEAR 7 (1994): 109–111.


Review of: Aris, Michael. 1992. Lamas, Princes, and Brigands: Joseph Rock’s Photographs of the Tibetan Borderlands of China. NewYork: China House Gallery, China Institute in America. In: Acta Orientalia 54 (1992): 231–233.
Review of: Brunn, Ole, and Arne Kalland. 1992. Asian Perceptions of Nature. Nordic Proceedings in Asian Studies. Vol. 3. Copenhagen: NIAS. In: Copenhagen Papers in East and Southeast Asian Studies 7 (1992): 67–72.
Review of: Hookham, S. K. 1991. The Buddha Within. Suny Series in Buddhist Studies. Albany: State University of New York Press. In: Acta Orientalia 54 (1993): 233–239.
Review of: Lancaster, Lewis. 1991. Assimilation of Buddhism in Korea: Religious Maturity and Innovation in the Silla Dynasty. Studies in Korean Religions and Culture. Vol. 4. Berkeley: Asian Humanities Press. In: SCEAR 5/6 (1992/1993): 181–184.
Review of: Shinohara, Koichi and G. Schopen. 1991. From Benares to Beijing: Essays on Buddhism and Chinese Religion. Oakville. In: SCEAR 5/6 (1992/1993): 184–187.
Review of: Young Bong Oh. 1989. Wonhyo’s Theory of Harmonization. Seoul: Hongbop Won. In: SCEAR 5/6 (1992/1993): 189-192.


Review of: Buswell Jr, Robert E. 1990. Chinese Buddhist Apocrypha. Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press. In: SCEAR 4 (1991): 101–107.
Review of: Buswell Jr, Robert E. 1989. The Formation of Ch’an Ideology in China and Korea: The Vajrasamadhi-Sutra, A Buddhist Apocryphon. Princeton, New Jersy: Princeton University Press. In: Cahiers d'Extrême–Asie 6 (1991–92): 292–297.
Review of: Forte, Antonino. 1988. Mingtang and Buddhist Utopias in the History of the Astronomical Clock. Serie Orietale Roma. Vol. LIX, & Publications de L`É.FE.O. Vol. CXLV. In: SCEAR 4 (1991): 107–110.
Review of: Lancaster L. R. 1998. Introduction of Buddhism to Korea: New Cultural Patterns. Studies in Korean Religions and Culture. Vol. 3. Berkeley: Asian Humanities Press. In: SCEAR 4 (1991): 118–121.
Review of: Lutz, A, and Judith Rickenbach. 1991. Der Goldschatz der drei Pagoden: Buddhistische Kunst des Nanzhao– und Dali Königreiches in Yunnan, China. Zürich: Museum Rietberg, and Lutz, Albert. 1991. Der Tempel der drei Pagoden von Dali: Zur buddhistischen Kunst des Nanzhao– und Dali Königreiches in Yunnan, China. Zürich: Museum Rietberg. In: SCEAR 4 (1991): 110–116.
Review of: Mamoru, Tonami. 1990. The Shaolin Monastery Stele on Mount Song. Epigraphical Series 1. Kyoto: Italian School of East Asian Studies. In: SCEAR 4 (1991): 116–118.
Review of: Riotto, Maurizio. 1989. The Bronze Age in Korea. Occasional Papers 1. Kyoto: Italian School of East Asian Studies. In: Acta Orientalia 52 (1991): 239–240.
Review of: Young-ho, Kim. 1990. Tao-sheng’s Commentary on the Lotus Sutra: A Study and Translation. SUNY Series in Buddhist Studies. Albany: State University of New York Press. In: Acta Orientalia 52 (1991): 233–238.


Review of: 1988. Tang China and Beyond: Studies on East Asia from the Seventh to the Tenth Century. Essays. Vol. 1. Kyoto: Italian School of East Asian Studies. In: SCEAR 3 (1990): 143–148.
Review of: Chonso, Hanguk P. 1978-1989. The Entire Collection of Original Korean Buddhist Works. 10 vols. Seoul, Tongguk University. In: SCEAR 3 (1990): 146–148.
Review of: Daishun, Ueyama. 1990. Tonko bukkyo no kenkyu. Kyoto: Hozokan. In: SCEAR 3 (1990): 136–139.
Review of: Dengfu, Xiao. 1989. Han-Wei-Liu Chao fo dao liangjiao zhi tiantang diyu shuo. Daojiao yanjiu shu. Taipei: Taiwan Xuesheng. In: SCEAR 4 (1990): 140–143.


Review of: Cleary, J.C. A Buddha from Korea: The Zen Teachings of T’aego. Boston, Shaftesbury: Shambala. In: SCEAR 2 (1989): 2047.


Review of: Chan, Wing-Tsit. 1987. Chu Hsi: Life and Thought. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press. In: Acta Orientalia 49 (1988): 267–270.
Review of: de Berval, René. 1987. Présence du Bouddhisme. Paris, Gallimard: Bibliothèque illustrée des Histories. In: SCEAR 1 (1988): 113–115.
Review of: Gregory, Peter N. 1987. Traditions of Meditation in Chinese Buddhism. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. In: Journal of the International Association for Buddhist Studies11:I (1988): 179–184.
Review of: Lagerwey, John.1987. Taoist Ritual in Chinese Society and History. New York, London: Macmillan. In: SCEAR 2 (1989): 200–204.

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