
Wir begrüßen unsere neuen Gastwissenschaftler!

Wir freuen uns, zum Start des Semesters gleich sechs neue Gastwissenschaftler begrüßen zu dürfen! Die folgenden Wissenschaftler und Wissenschaftlerinnen werden …

Call for Papers: Convivencia and Religious Language: Dialogue of Religions on the Iberian Peninsula

The Iberian Peninsula of the Middle Ages is quite often described as an ideal place of religious encounters. Terms like …

Video | Attila Jakab: "Shadows and Lights: The Involvement of the Hungarian Catholic Clergymen in Anti-Semitism and Holocaust"

Jakab, Attila. "Shadows and Lights: The Involvement of the Hungarian Catholic Clergymen in Anti-Semitism and Holocaust in the Horthy Era …

Call for Papers: 'Religio licita'? The Romans and the Jews, 1st century BCE - 3rd century CE

Usually Judaism is regarded as 'religio licita' of the Roman Empire. Nonetheless it is always regarded with suspicion as can …

Video | István Perczel & Vasco La Salvia: "Trans-Arabian Sea Trade"

Der "Religion in Motion" Vortrag von KHK-Gastwissenschaftler István Perczel (Budapest) und Vasco La Salvia (Chieta) ist nun in voller Länge …

Video | Vinay Lal (Los Angeles): "The Silence Room. Gandhi‘s Religion and the Politics of Hinduism"

This years research field conference 'Religion in Motion: Boundary Work in the Global Religious Field' was opened with a keynote …

Interview with Ines Županov

Ines Županov has been a visiting research fellow with the KHK since April 2012. She is going back to …

Konferenz: Religion in Motion

Alle interessierten Personen sind herzlich zu der internationalen Konferenz "Religion in Motion: Boundary Work in the Global Religious Field" eingeladen …

Workshop: 12th and 13th Century Attempts to Translate Muslim and Jewish Texts into Latin

Alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen, an dem Workshop "12th and 13th Century Attempts to Translate Muslim and Jewish Texts into …

Neues KHK-Logo!

Das Käte Hamburger Kolleg "Dynamiken der Religionsgeschichte zwischen Asien und Europa" hat eine neue Wort-/Bildmarke, die nun auf allen Dokumenten …