Prof. Dr. Peter Wick
Chair of New Testament's Theology & Early ChristianityProfessor, Chair of New Testament Studies, History of Early Christianity, Department of Protestant Theology
Office Hours
Wed 9-10 h
Areas of Research
Paul, Matthew, Marcus, John, Epistle of Jacob; New Testament and Ancient Mysteries; Ethics of the New Testament und their Relevance for Modern Ethic Discourses; Attractivity through Ethics in the Early Jewry and Early Christianity; Dynamic Embedment of the Early Christianity in Jewry and Hellenism
Member of Research Department of CERES RESEARCH DEPARTMENT
Former Projects and Affiliations
Project Leader of Attractive Ethics , Attractiveness through Ethics. Interactions between Jewish, Hellenistic-Roman and Christian Ethics in Antiquity , Purity and Impurity in the New Testament with Special Consideration of the "Cleansing of the Temple" and 1 Corinthians and The New Testament and Mystery Religions
RUB Member of Käte Hamburger Kolleg