Prof. Dr. Kirill Solonin
Associated ResearcherAssociated Researcher (08/-12/2018)
Visiting Professor BuddhistRoad (02/-07/2018)
KHK Research Fellow Fellow (03/-04/2017)
Kirill Solonin’s research in the BuddhistRoad project was mainly devoted to the contextualizing of several Tangut Buddhist texts, belonging to the domain of legitimation, within a more general framework of Buddhism of Northern China in the tenth through the thirteenth centuries. Kirill Solonin received a PhD degree from St Petersburg University in 1997 and obtained full doctorate in 2007.
During his career he worked in St. Petersburg University and Institute for Oriental Manuscript Research, specializing in Buddhism and Tangut language and texts. Since 2013 he has been working in the Department of History and Philology of China Western Regions, Renmin University of China. In 2010-2011 he was a member of the Institute of Advanced Studies, Princeton, New Jersey.
Ph.D., St. Petersburg State Unversity, 2008
KHK Fellowship
Duration: March 2017 - April 2017
Solonin, Kirill. 2007. Obretenie Uchenia: Tradicia Huayan-Chan v Buddhisme Tangutskogo Gosudarstva [Appropriation of Teaching: Huayan-Chan Buddhism in the Tangut State]. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg University Press.
Solonin, Kirill. 1995a. Bertsnaider Albums: Paintings of the 19th Century Life in Beijing. Annotated by K. Solonin, introduced by Francis Wood. London: Granet.
---. 1995b. Dvendtsat’ Tsarstv. Neizvstnij Pamyatnik Tangutskoi Literatury [Twelve Kingdoms: An Unknown Monument of Tangut Literature]. 《十二國》), translated from Tangut with notes by K. Solonin. St. Petersburg: Peterburskoe Vostokovedenie.
Book Chapters
Solonin, Kirill. 2015a. Tangut Buddhist Literature. In: Encyclopedia of Buddhism, 1th vol. Leiden: Brill.
---. 2015b. The Tangut Empire. In: Encyclopedia of Empire. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.
Solonin, Kirill. 2013. 西夏文大手印文獻雜考, Xixia wen Dashou yin wenxian zakao. In: 沈衛榮主編 <漢藏佛教: 版本,圖像>. 北京: 中國藏學出版社.
Solonin, Kirill. 2012a. The Teaching of the Tang Dynasty Chan Master Nanyang Huizhong in Tangut Translations. Accepted for publication in: Medieval Tibeto-Burmese Linguistics, 267-345. Vol. IV. Leiden: Brill.
---. 2012b. The Teaching of Daoshen in Tangut Translation: The Mirror of Mind: In: Avatamsaka Buddhism in East Asia: Huayan, Kegon, Flower Ornament Buddhism: Origins and Adaptation of a Visual Culture. Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz Verlag.
---. 2012c. 西夏文<洪州文獻>再考, Xixia <Hongzhou wenxian>zaikao. In: 首屆中國少數民族古籍文獻國際學術研討會論文集, 32-54. 北京: 民族出版社.
---. 2012b. 西夏佛教的 ‘真心’思想, Xixia Fojiao ‘Zhenxin’ sixiang [The Teaching of ‘True mind’ in Tangut Buddhism]. In: Xixia xue lunji 西夏學論集, 391-403. Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe.
Solonin, Kirill. 2010. 南陽惠忠及其禪思想:《惠忠語錄》西夏文本與漢文本比較研究, Nanyang Huizhong jiqi Chan sixiang: Nanyang ‘Huizhong’ yulu Xixia wenben yu Han wenben bijiao yanjiu [The Chan Teaching of Nanyang Huizhong: Comparative Study of Chinese and Tangut Versions of ‘Huizhong yulu’]. In: Nie Hongyin, Zhongguo duowenzi shidai de lishi wenxian yanjiu, 17-41. Beijing: Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe.
Solonin, Kirill. 2007. Khitan Connection of the Tangut Buddhism. In: Humanitiy and Nature in the Khara-Khoto Area, 250-265. Beijing: Renmin University Press.
Solonin, Kirill. 2006. Tangut Buddhism as a Local Tradition. In: Xixia Yanjiu. Vol. 3. Beijing: Zhongguo Shehui Kexue.
Solonin, Kirill. 2005. The Essence of the Doctrine of the Masters of Hongzhou Lineage as the Source for the Research of Tangut Buddhism. In: Festschrift in Honor of Hwang-cherng Gong, 549-563. Taibei: Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica.
Solonin, Kirill. 2003. Uchenie Baotang’a Wuzhu i Sichuanskij Chan-Buddhism [Teaching of Baotang Wuzhu and Sichuan Chan Buddism]. In: Religion and Culture: Russia, East and West. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg University Press.
Solonin, Kirill. 2001. Uchenie Tiantai o Nedvoistvennosti [Tiantai Teaching of Non-duality, Translation and Study of ‘Ten Gates of Non-Duality’ (十不二門)]. In: Religii Kitaya: Chrestomatia [Religions of China: A Sourcebook], 269-306. St. Petersburg: Eurasia Press.
Solonin, Kirill. 2000a. Martin Heidegger and the Buddhism of Far Eastern Mahāyāna. In: Hiedegger and Oriental Philosophy: Complementary Cultures?, 115-138. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg University Press.
---. 2000b. Martin Heidegger and Japanese Philosophy. In: Hiedegger and Oriental Philosophy: Complementary Cultures?,. 183-194. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg University Press.
---. 2000c. Zolotoy Lev Huayan [The Golden Lion of Huayan] (Translation of the Text and Study of Huayan Thought). In: Orient: Philosophy, Religion and Culture. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg University Press.
---. 2000d. Sutra Sovershennogo Probuzhdenia [Translation of the ‘Sutra of Complete Enlightenment’]. In: Selected Sutras of Chinese Buddhism. St. Petersburg: Nauka Press.
Solonin, Kirill. 1999. Predislovie k Sobraniu Razyasnenij Istokov Chan’skih Istin. [Translation and Study of Zongmi’s Preface to the ‘Collection of Chan Truths’]. In: Zongmi: Chan’skie Istiny [Zongmi: Chan Truths]. (St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Polytechnic University Press.
Solonin, Kirill. 1993. Zongmi. Predislovie k Sobraniyu Chanskih Istin [Preface to the ‘Collection of Chan Truths’], part 2. In: Buddhism in Translations. Vol. 2. St. Petersburg: Andreev Publishers.
---. 1993b. Zongmi. Predislovie k Sobraniyu Chanskih Istin [Preface to the ‘Collection of Chan Truths’], part 1. In: Buddhism in Translations. Vol. 1. St. Petersburg: Andreev Publishers.
Journal Papers
Solonin, Kirill. 1993. Atiśa’s Satyadvayāvatāra (Bden pa gnyisla ’jug pa) in the Tangut Translation: A Preliminary Study. Journal of Indian Philosophy 44.4 (2016).
Solonin, Kirill. 2015a. Dīpaṃkara in Tangut Context. Part 1. Acta Orientalia 68.4 (2015): 425-451.
---. 2015b. Dīpaṃkara in Tangut Context Part 2. Acta Orientalia 69.1 (2015):1-25
Solonin, Kirill. 2014a. Buddhist Connections between the Liao and Xixia: Preliminary Considerations. Journal of Song Yuan Studies 43 (2013): forthcoming.
---. 2014b. Sinitic Buddhism in the Tangut State. Central Asiatic Journal 53 (2014).
---. 2014c. Chan Contemplation in Tangut Buddhism. Fudan Journal of Humanities and Social sciences 7.2 (2014).
---. 2014d. Dīpaṃkara in Tangut Context (accepted for publication, Acta Orientalia Academia Scientarum Hungaricae).
Solonin, Kirill. 2013a. In Search of the ‘Perfect Teaching’: Liao Sources of Tangut Chan Buddhism: A Study of Jiexing zhaoxin tu. Asia Major, 26.1 (2013).
---. 2013b. 西夏佛教之系统性初探.《世界宗教研究》4 (2013).
---. 2013c. 西夏文<鏡心錄>初探. 《西域歷史語言研究季刊》 5 (2013)
Solonin, Kirill. 2012a. 一行慧覺及其《大方廣佛華嚴經海印道場十重行願常徧禮懺儀》, Yixing Huijue jiqi ‘Dafanggang Fo Huayan jing haiyin daochang shizhong xingyuan chanpian lichan yi’. 台大佛學研究, 第23期: 1-77.
Solonin, Kirill. 2011a. 白雲釋子《三觀九門初探》, Baiyun Shizi ‘Sanguan Jiumen chutan. 西夏學, Xixia xue 8 (2011).
---. 2011b. 西夏佛教的 ‘真心’思想, Xixia Fojiao ‘Zhenxin’ sixiang [The Teaching of ‘True Mind’ in Tangut Buddhism]. 西夏學, Xixia xue 7 (2011): 161-173
Solonin, Kirill. 2009. Mahāmudrā Texts in Tangut Buddhism. 西域歷史語言研究季刊, Xiyu lishi yuayan yanjiu jikan 2: 278-305.
Solonin, Kirill. 2008. The Glimpses of Tangut Buddhism. Central Asiatic Journal, 52.1 (2008): 64-127.
---. 2008b. The Fragments of Tangut Translation of the ‘Platform Sūtra’ of the Sixth Patriarch, Preserved in Fu Su-nian Library, Academia Sinica. Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology of Academia Sinica 79.1 (2008): 163-185.
Solonin, Kirill. 2007a. Ponyatie ‘zong’ v primenenii k Tangutskony Buddhismu [The Concept of ‘Zong’ as Applied to the Tangut Buddhism]. Ethnosocium, 7: 34-45.
---. 2007b. O Formirovanii Tangutskoi Kultury [Formation of the Tangut Culture]. Ethnosocium 6: 26-40.
---. 2007c. O Vozmozhnosti Lokalnoi Tradicii Tangutskogo Buddhisma [Tangut Buddhism as a Local Tradition]. Ethnosocium 6: 179-189.
---. 2007d. Uchenie Zongmi v period Severnoi Sun i ego vliyanie na formirovanie Tangutskogo Buddhisma [Zongmi’s Teaching in the Northern Song and its Influence on the Formation of the Tangut Buddhism] Vestnik Sankt-Petersburgskogo Universiteta [Journal of St. Petersburg State University] 6.3: 174-182.
---. 2007e. Katolicheskaya Filosofia na Taiwane [Catholic Philosophy in Taiwan]. Prilozhenie k zhurnalu Filosofskie Nauki [Philosophical Studies Supplement] 9.
---. 2007f. 西夏文《二十五問答》初探, Xixia wen ‘Ershi wu wenda’ chutan [Preliminary Research of the Tangut Texts of ‘Twenty Five Questions and Answers’]. 西夏學, Xixia xue 2.
Solonin, Kirill. 2005. Hongzhou Buddhism in Xixia and the Heritage of Zongmi (780-841): A Tangut Source. Asia Major 16.2 (2003, actually published in 2005: 57-104.
Solonin, Kirill. 2004. Huineng i Uchenie ob Otsutstvii Mysli [Huineg and the Teaching of ‘No-thought’]. Philosophical Studies Supplement 5.
Solonin, Kirill. 2002. Kidane, Tanguty Wutaishan i Buddhism na Severe Kitaya [Khitan, Tangut, Wutaishan and Buddhism of Northern China]. Peterburgskoe Vostokovedenie [St. Petersburg Journal of Oriental Studies] 10: 124-142.
Solonin, Kirill. 2000. The Tang Heritage of Tangut Buddhism: Teaching Classification in the Tangut Text ‘The Mirror’. Manuscripta Orientalia 6.3: 39-48.
Solonin, Kirill. 1998a. Hongzhou Masters in the Tangut State. Manuscripta Orientalia 4.3: 15-25.
---. 1998b. Guifeng Zongmi and Tangut Chan Buddhism. Zhonghua Foxue xuebao 11: 365-424.
---. 1998c. Desyat Vrat Nedvoistvennosti [Translation and Research of the Ten Gates of Non-duality]. Peterburgskoe Vostokovedenie 8: 41-87.
Solonin, Kirill. 1997a. Po Povodu Tangutskih Chan Buddiyskih Tekstov iz Sobranija SPbF IVRAN [Concerning the Tangut Chan Buddhjst Text from St. Petersburg Collection]. Peterburgskoe Vostokovedenie 7: 390-412.
Solonin, Kirill. 19975. Opravdanie Bit’iya. Structura Kitaiskoi Religioznosti [Justification of Being. Ideas about Chinese Religious Consciousness]. Kunstakmmer: Ethnograficheskie Tetradi [Papers in Ethnology] 12: 254-265.
Former Projects and Affiliations
Individual Researcher of Rnying ma Transmission in the Tangut Empire
Research Associate of Central Asian History of Religions
Associated Researcher of BuddhistRoad
Fellow of Käte Hamburger Kolleg