We support the "March for Science"
The Center for Religious Studies (CERES) supports the "March for Science", which will take place worldwide on April 22, 2017. By this, we join the Ruhr Universität Bochum and the majority of research institutions in Germany.
This weekend, the "March for Science" will unite researchers and scientists around the globe to demonstrate for science. During the last months, the vital role science and research plays in our health, safety, economies, and governments has been called into question, denied, or even labelled as "alternative facts" again and again. This attitude even shapes policies.
As part of religious studies/Religionswissenschaft we know from our own subject's history the decade long struggle for an appropriate academic reasoning. In our own work we try to pass on scientific methods to a new generation.
We support the march, since we defend scientific methods, facts, and evidence-based research every single day in our work, whether in doing research or teaching students.