Bochum's KHK undersigned declaration for research centres in Germany
Organised by the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) and the Stifterverband, a public discussion on the research policies took place in Berlin on the 2nd of May 2016. It was the first time when the functions of the established research centres were picked up as a central theme. More than 150 members of almost every German research center (Forschungskollege) and of those institutions who offer programmes for international fellows, attended. Other attendees were representatives of science organisations, the government and the administation as well as of public foundations.
In the result, all participating institutions passed a resultution on the status-quo and the future for Germany's higher research centres. Bochum's Käte Hamburger Kolleg Dynamics in the History of Religions, represented by Prof. Dr. Volkhard Krech, is among the signees. (download the declaration in German).