New Series "Lunchbox Lectures": Talks for Lunch
Often the evenings are reservered for family, friends and leisure activities. Given this guest lectures at this late time often have no chance to be attended, even if the invited speaker is an internationally renowned researcher. To ease this kind of time rivalry Käte Hamburger Kolleg introduces a new series of lectures at the CERES, called "Lunchbox Lectures". From mid of June 2017, international researchers will give talks on selected Tuesdays at lunchtime. The Lunchbox Lectures are open for all Visiting Research Fellows, researchers, stuff and students of CERES and the Ruhr Universität Bochum, following Francis Bacon's much quoted line 'If the mountain will not come to Mohammed, Mohammed will go to the mountain'.
As the name indicates: Filled lunchboxes are very welcome for the talks. The way to the human minds is through the people's stomaches. Eating while listing - this combination is almost unsurpassable. However, attendees may pay attention to eat their food siltently and scentlessly.
The first Lunchbox Lecture is presented by the Dutsch scholar of religion Pieter Nanninga (Groningen). He will talk about the rather untasty topic of "Martyrdom Mythologies: How IS gives Meaning to Death" on Tuesday, the 20th of June 2017, 12:15 pm. People interested in this topic are welcome with or without their own lunchbox in the CERES conference room Ruhrpott.