Chinese Expert for Jewish Philosophy at KHK Bochum
The Käte Hamburger Kolleg Dynamics in the History of Religion welcomes Chinese expert for Jewish Philosophy, Prof Fu Youde as short-time visiting fellow for May 2015.
Prof. Fu Youde is Professor of Philosophy and Jewish Studies at Shandong University and renowned expert for Jewish Studies and Confucian religion.
He is director of the reputed Center for Judaic and Inter-Religious Studies of Shandong University, one of the Key Research Institutes of Humanities and Social Sciences under the auspice of the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. He furthermore is the Chairman of the Department of Religious Studies, and a member of the Academic Commission of Shandong University. During his academic career he was student and scholar at various academic institutions including such famous ventures as the Oxford Center for Jewish Studies, the Leo Baeck College, London, at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Institute for Sino-Christian Studies of Hong Kong, Boston University and last but not least he was Visiting Fellow in KHK Bochum's sister institution, the International Consortium for Research of Humanities in Erlangen.
Prof. Fu Younde’s main research interests are diverse and include Jewish religion and thought, comparative religion and philosophy, and the history of Western philosophy. He has published an abundance of books, translations, and the impressive amount of over 50 articles. He is also the creator and editor-in-chief of the Journal of Jewish Studies, the only academic periodical in China specializing in Jewish and inter-religious studies.
KHK Bochum is very glad to welcome Prof. Fo Youde and grateful for that he has agreed to give a guest lecture on the 18th of May.