Fifth ERiC Summer School
Even if the weather is somehow undecided: It is truly summer and time for the Käte Hamburger Kolleg to host the international ERiC Summer School, as it had done so in the last four years. The shortcut "ERiC" stands for "Eurasian Religions in Contact" and pinpoints to the contents of the course.
All eight participants of this year's course are young academics, which have own research project on themes of the Eurasian history of religions. They study or rather doing PhD projects on universities worldwide, including Sydney and Kiev, Almaty and Bochum.
The past seven days of the Summer School offered the young researchers the possibility to present their own works to prestigious international scholars and to in-depth discuss topics of the history of religion, sociology of religion and related fields. Organised by Prof Adam Knobler and Prof Kianoosh Rezania for the Käte Hamburger Kolleg, the ERiC Summer School was funded by the German Ministry for Education.