image of Rethinking Chinese Landscape Painting: New Perspectives from Art History and Religious Studies

Rethinking Chinese Landscape Painting: New Perspectives from Art History and Religious Studies

CERES Palais, room "Ruhrpott" (4.13)

In cooperation with the museum Situation Kunst on the occassion of the exhibition "scheinbar: nichts - Bildwelten von Qiu Shihua im Dialog".

The workshop aims to approach and discuss Chinese landscape paintings which are traditionally, a subject of art history from the rather uncommon perspective of the history of religion. Accordingly, the workshop shall bring together art historians, scholars of religious studies, and sinologists to discuss religious references in Chinese landscape painting, issues related to religion in the context of landscape and art in Eastern Asian cultures, and issues concerning inter- and intrareligious contact. In the long term, this fresh view should stimulate a closer cooperation between the disciplines mentioned.

The workshop shall take place on the occasion of the current exhibition on contemporary and classic Chinese landscape painting at Bochum’s Situation Kunst/Museum unter Tage (Oct. 2018-April 2019). The exhibition is a cooperation project between CERES and the museum. It is hoped that the concomitance of workshop and exhibition, will further stimulate future cooperation between the CERES/KHK and the Situation Kunst/Museum unter Tage.

The workshop will be held in German.

Programme of the Workshop


Photograph of Dr. Patrick Felix Krüger

Dr. Patrick Felix Krüger

Universitätsstr. 90a
44789  Bochum
Office 3.14
+49 234 32-21958